mist philly

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“Looking back, it has been such an incredible experience so far because MIST allows my peers and I a chance to exhibit not only our talents, but more importantly, our individuality. At regionals, I have participated in Photography, Knowledge Test, Social Media, MIST Bowl, and Basketball. I then got to experience nationals this past year aH and it was the most thrilling weekend. When you’re surrounded by people your own age and you can see the ambition on their faces, that feeling spreads like wildfire. All my competitions have let me learn so much about not only Islam, but also life skills such as being able to work in a team and truly trusting the people around me, simultaneously making lifelong relationships. My dad told me once that we’re so lucky as a generation to be given such a creative outlet where God is the center and I’m forever thankful to have found MIST Philly as a jumping-off point in becoming who I am.”

- Mubassirah Sharif



“I was pretty skeptical when I first heard about MIST, but after my first year, I was blown away. It was where I learned to be proudly, unashamedly, assertively Muslim. MIST is where you can finally express that “dorky” talent you have. It’s a place you ask question you’ve been too afraid to ask before. It’s a place where you bond with people on a real level. MIST also has a certain optimism about it. When we look around this green sphere we humans call home, we see so much suffering. From Syria, to Afghanistan, to the CAR, to Burma. A lot of us look at this situation, dejected. But there’s an amazing authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH where he said that if we were to see the end of time (literally the end of the world) approaching and we had a sapling in our hand, we should plant it. Because doing good always matters. Working against injustice is always necessary. No matter the odds, we keep pushing. MIST, for me, is that time for us to get together and grow together. So that after the weekend, we can go back to our communities and plant those saplings, one at a time.”

- Tamim Hossain



“Last year I had the honor of judging Quran and Debate at MIST Philly. Seeing these young individuals present their skills and put it to the test itself was inspiring for me even as a judge! I believe MIST creates a space for our future generation to be empowered. It allows them to discover their own abilities and interests, all while creating great company and a healthy environment for our youth. It is for this reason I look forward to seeing these enthusiastic competitors head to head once again.”

- Arqum Rashid
