Registration is now open for MIST Philly! Find out how to register on by watching the video here!

Deadlines for registration:

Early: FRIDAY FEB 7, 2025

Regular: SUNDAY FEB 16, 2025

What’s your role?

The registration process will differ based on an individual’s role on the team. Your team should figure this out beforehand to ensure a smooth registration process. The three roles are Coach, Registrar, and Competitor. Here’s an overview of each role:


This is an individual 21 years of age or more that will help prepare the team’s submissions and serve as the chaperone during the tournament. You can have as many coaches as you’d like. All coaches will are welcome to the tournament free of charge.


The team Captain takes care of all the registration for the team. Here’s a brief overview of the Captain.

  • Each team needs one.

  • Can be a Competitor on the team, the team Coach, or any parent affiliated with the team.

  • Needs to make sure that competitors are registered in a timely manner and signed up for the correct competitions.

  • Can organize and make any changes to the competitions that team members are signed up for.

  • Must be an individual of maturity, responsibility, and organization.


Any team member registered for a competition. The team Captain can also be a competitor.
